The Game
Directed by David Fincher and released in 1997, "The Game" features Michael Douglas as Nicholas Van Orton, a wealthy investment banker who is given a unique birthday gift by his brother, played by Sean Penn. The gift, a ticket to a game provided by a mysterious company called Consumer Recreation Services (CRS), immerses Nicholas in a psychological odyssey that blurs the lines between reality and the game. As events become increasingly intense and personal, Nicholas finds his life spiraling out of control, leading him to question what is part of the game and what is reality. The climax reveals that all the terrifying experiences were orchestrated parts of the game, designed to give him a new appreciation for life.
Application to Forbidden Yoga
Of course, recreating such an extreme experience in real life poses significant risks and ethical concerns. However, at Forbidden Yoga, we strive to approach the immersive and transformative aspects of such an experience by eliminating any dangerous elements. Instead of the perilous scenarios depicted in "The Game," we incorporate practices like traditional left handed Tantra and roleplay. These activities are designed to foster personal growth, self-awareness, and deeper interpersonal connections in a safe and controlled environment.
Do not hesitate to reach out for a consultation call ;)