An Architected Path to Love
As long as the Minotaur remains unseen, so long will he haunt our lives. - Henry Miller
We at Forbidden Yoga create experiences where you have no choice but to undergo total transformation and absolute expansion in your life. It is almost impossible to leave our Sensual Liberation Retreat as the same person you were when you walked in.
This is why our clients choose us!
We do not, in any shape or form, organize the typical Tantra eyegazing and hugging retreats—forget about that, first of all.
Our bespoke settings and placeholder actors serve as psychological mind maps of your unconscious. The space we create, the transmission of the lineage (Diksha - दीक्षा), the practices of our tradition, combined with the placeholder actors, compels change—it's inevitable.
Diksha (दीक्षा):
Diksha is a formal initiation by a guru to impart spiritual knowledge or mantra to the disciple.
Tantra: The Path of Ecstasy" by Georg Feuerstein
You cannot escape this change. Not because you are forced to change, but because the setting we put you in is the very setting of an inner paradise of the soul, the source of creation where we all come from. These settings are magnetic; you cannot escape their gravitational force. Creating these settings requires immense dedication and meticulous effort because we have to guide you back through the labyrinth of the Minotaur.
We have to, with paradoxical means, seduce your soul to come back home.
Minotaur (मिनोटौर):
The Minotaur is a mythical creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man, dwelling in the labyrinth of Crete. Symbolically, it represents the complex and often terrifying journey into one's unconscious mind.
As long as the Minotaur remains unseen, so long will he haunt our lives. - Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi
Our effort is not about giving you luxury settings with soft pillows and a private butler. We create a matrix of inception customized for you.
The luxury settings we create for our clients are a holographic embodiment of what the Bible describes as "paradise," where you find the ultimate unity between Adam and Eve, the Yin and the Yang, the Shiva and Shakti, where these polarities converge into a mindstate of indescribable love.
Now, as you know, Adam and Eve bit into the forbidden apple and shame was born.
"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings." - Genesis 3:6-7
What does it mean?
If, after our retreats, you find yourself reverting into patterns of shame and guilt, overthinking, and doubt—meaning you are inflicting your blissful state of mind with secondary thoughts of your samskaric blueprint (Samskara - संस्कार) created over countless incarnations—remember, for the first time in your life, you really deeply felt "love."
Samskara (संस्कार):
Samskara refers to the mental impressions, recollections, or psychological imprints that shape our present experiences and influence our behaviors. In the context of rebirth, samskaras are the residual imprints carried over from past lives, which form the foundation of our karmic patterns.
Self Realization and Other Awakenings by Adyashanti
This Love is a fragile bird in the duality we live in. This Love we show you in Forbidden Yoga is the most extraordinary state of mind. How to avoid getting trapped again?
Let us acknowledge that we here at Forbidden Yoga—your angels of liberation, your angels of healing—did not create this world we live in today. We did not create this society, and most of all, we did not create your specific karmic patterns. Our role is to help you step out of your personal matrix and reveal the broader vision of how humanity, and you yourself, could live. Do not, by any means, think that life will be easier for you after our retreat. You have taken the red pill now. You can't easily go back into the old matrix. But if you choose to do so, to tranquilize your mind and avoid change, it will hit back at you in unexpected ways.
Because why? Now you are stronger; we have let the Kundalini snake ascend in your consciousness, bringing you back to the source power of existence. Now, if you use this power in the wrong way, mix it up with your impurity—oh holy moly...
"You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." - Morpheus, "The Matrix"
Our best advice is for our former clients to continue practicing and never stop the self-study of your mind. Do not mind fuck yourself. In cases when you feel most distant from the state of expansive love we put you into, practice our Jiva Nyasa Sadhana and listen to the song of the earth. Never escape the “prison” of your own sadhana. Once you are initiated into Jiva Nyasa, always find your answers there. The wind in your ears will talk the truth. Life is about suffering. You won't escape that. Just choose the best version of suffering at least.
All beings are subject to suffering. By understanding this truth, we can transcend it. - Buddha